US Boats to Gaza is committed to human rights for Palestinians.



We are an International Coalition Of 14 Countries And Organizations Dedicated To Breaking  The Illegal Israeli Blockade of Gaza.

45% of the more than 2 million people who live in Gaza are children under the age of 15.  Approximately 70% of Gazans are refugees from other parts of Palestine – now called Israel – when they were forced from their homes in the West Bank 70 years ago by Israeli militias.  Yet the world stands by as the illegal inhumane Israeli blockade limits electricity to just a few hours per day, made 90% of water to be undrinkable and the access to sufficient food and medical supplies to be denied.

US Boats to Gaza is dedicated to continuing sending boats to bring international attention to the illegal Israeli blockade on Gaza until the world stands for human rights for Palestinians.



— We Inform Americans

The American media and politicians do not provide Americans with the basic facts about Gaza.  Most Americans don’t know that most of Gaza is children or that Gazans can’t get sufficient food or medicine, etc.


— We Host Events

We tour the United States to speak to groups about the situation in Gaza and our activities.  During these events we also ask for donations to fund the next boat(s) with the intention of breaking the blockade.


— We Respond To Gaza

Freedom Flotillas sail at the request of civil society groups in Gaza that wish for more international attention to the disastrous effects of the illegal Israel blockade on Gaza.  We have also supported the people in Gaza with donations towards the purchase of ambulances.  We also work to help the people of Gaza tell their story by sponsoring videos and work by organizations like We Are Not Numbers.


— We Challenge The Blockade

We send one boat or a flotilla of boats on a periodic basis.  The reason the Berlin wall fell was because a movement of people stood for freedom.  Boats to Gaza are part of such a movement.


- We Raise Awareness

The Freedom Flotillas have been boarded and pirated by the Israeli Navy in international waters.   US Boats to Gaza works to highlight how this illegal activity is committed to protect the oppression of human beings.


— We Build Hope

Approximately 1 million children depend on us.  It is our duty as human beings to stand for their rights.  It is our duty as Americans to hold our government accountable for its complicity in these crimes.


- We Fight Israel's Crimes In Court

The Freedom Flotilla takes Israeli authorities to court for stealing Freedom Flotilla boats and killing passengers.  The FFC and participants have filed cases in Israel, the United States and submitted a case to the International Criminal Court.


‘’We are waiting for your ships and delegations to break the Israeli siege on Gaza.’’

During the press conference, students, injured people, children and others held posters saying, ‘’We dream to have a seaport’’ and “We are waiting for your ships and delegations to break the Israeli siege on Gaza.’’ One group held pictures of the nine passengers who were killed during the Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara.

As a young Palestinian woman, I am very touched and proud to see this boat set sail.

And while Israel prepares to force the boat ashore before it reaches Gaza, as it has all the others since 2008, the boat will always be victorious in our hearts.


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It's Time for Accountability