Freedom Flotilla for Gaza - On the Catalina Flyer! August 17, 2019

Thanks to Marivel Guzman from Akashma News for the pictures and videos of this great event!
Thanks to If Americans Knew for the pictures and names of the children killed by Israeli soldiers.

See more videos of this event at:
I enjoyed spending a beautiful day with like-minded activists. However, on the ferry ride home I was feeling regret that I had not reached out to strangers in an attempt to educate or engage in conversation. .
That is…until I had a chance encounter with a young woman standing at the sink in the ladies head who commented on my Freedom Flotilla T-shirt. I said to her, “..So you understand what is happening in Palestine?” She said yes, but found it difficult to enlighten her friends. I talked to her about, free speech and media censorship. I then suggested she watch THE LOBBY:U.S., The Occupation of the American Mind, and read Mondoweiss. She was hoping to remember and eager to receive my suggestions.
After we went our separate ways, I returned to my seat, grabbed a number of cards from No Way to Treat a Child and IAK, and wrote down numerous resources for her to explore. I searched her out and found her seated with her girlfriends where I was enthusiastically greeted and the information and cards were gratefully received.
In the end, I came away feeling hopeful that another seed was planted..not only with the young women and her friends but perhaps with someone within earshot of our conversation. You never know.
It was a blessing to be in the presence of such beautiful souls.
Much love,
Diane Morris