Contact Congress to Reject Criminalization of Civil Society Orgs

Israeli Defense Ministry’s military order issued October 19th designates six Palestinian civil society organizations as “terrorist” groups,” effectively outlawing their work.  The organizations are…
These are groups that have been working for decades to protect and advance Palestinian rights for children, women, prisoners, farmers and more. They are groups that many of us and our friends have worked with through the years. Al Haq, for example, has an internship program named for Rachel Corrie, and our friends Cindy and Craig Corrie have visited their office in Ramallah when they launched this.
Twenty-three Israeli human and legal rights organizations have called the Israeli government action a “Draconian measure against human rights.” Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have called this an “appalling and unjust decision” and “an attack by the Israeli government on the international human rights movement.” They further say that how we, as part of the international community, respond will be a true test of our resolve to protect human rights defenders.
It’s critical that we act now! Representative Betty McCollum (MN) introduced a House Resolution condemning the Israeli government action, and calling for a response from the State Department.  The original House cosponsors are Rep. Rashida Tlaib (MI-13), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14), Rep. Raúl Grijalva (AZ-03), Rep. Andre Carson (IN-03), Rep. Ilhan Omar (MN-05), Rep. Marie Newman (IL-03), Rep. Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), Rep. Cori Bush (MO-01), and Rep. Chuy Garcia (IL-04).
It’s critical that many of us contact our representatives in the U.S. House and ask (demand) that they sign on to this resolution.  We recommend that you call your House member’s DC or district office and/or email to them through their websites.  Alternatively, you may respond in a message through JVP-Action.
The information you may want and need about Rep. McCollum’s resolution and about the organizations targeted by Israel can be found in this press release from Rep. McCollum’s office and in the newly introduced resolution itself.  Also, read Rep. McCollum’s statement  issued when the resolution was introduced today.
  • Tell your Representative to cosponsor the House Resolution introduced by Rep. McCollum “Condemning the repressive designation by the Government of Israel of six prominent Palestinian human rights and civil society groups as terrorist organizations.”
  • Tell your Representative how you feel about the Israeli government’s action against these Palestinian organizations.
  • Tell your representative to reject Israel’s criminalization of Palestinian civil society organizations as “terrorists” and to pressure Israel to revoke the designation.
  • Leave your contact info and ask for a response from your representative.
While there’s no similar measure in the U.S. Senate, there’s still a need for our Washington Senators to hear from us on this matter.  So please find the time to call and/or email their offices, too, telling them that they must reject Israel’s criminalization of Palestinian civil society organizations as “terrorists” and must pressure Israel to revoke the designation.
Please let WAPR know if you have questions: Email:
It’s also heartening and helpful if you shoot them an email to let them know you’ve taken action and about any response you receive.
Thank you!

Contact Congress to Reject Criminalization of Civil Society Orgs Read More »