Boats To Gaza Webinar Series: The 2008 Free Gaza Movement

Join us on Saturday, May 9, (10 am North American West Coast, 12h00pm Central, 13h00 Eastern, 18h00 England, 19h00 France and 20h00 Greece/Gaza).  The idea of sailing to break the Israeli naval blockade began in 2008 with a group called Free Gaza Movement. Their story of the challenges of actually getting boats into Gaza, the first boats in 41 years to arrive in the Gaza City port, the only port Palestine has, is remarkable.

We will hear from the founding members of the Free Gaza Movement, Greta Berlin, Paul Larudee, Mary Hughes-Thompson, Vangelis Pissias, and Musheir El Farra about the challenges of fundraising and organizing the first two boats to reach the shores of Gaza and see photos of the outpouring of goodwill from Gazans as the boats arrived in Gaza in 2008. We will show the trailer of a new movie “Rock the Boat” of the 2008 flotilla by directed by Kathy Sheetz.

Please register to receive the link for the seminar and read more about the webinar panelists.

[Click here to see the webinar]

This is a part of a webinar series that the Gaza freedom Flotilla coalition is sponsoring to bring International attention to the plight of Palestinians from the brutality of the Israeli government and military with the land sea and air blockade of Gaza and the theft of Palestinian lands.

See the film about the Free Gaza movement To Gaza With Love:

It took amazing people to creat the Free Gaza Movement.  One of them, Mary Hughes Thompson, passed away on February 5, 2021.  Read about her life of courage, determination, and joy at: