Join the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace & Justice Thursday January 26 @ 7pm PT for a presentation featuring Dr. Yasser Abu-Jamei, psychiatrist and Director of the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme.

Continuous Trauma and Social Devastation, or Caring for All?
Featuring Dr. Yasser Abu-Jamei,
Psychiatrist and Director of the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme
Thursday, January 26, 7 PM Pacific Time
St Mark's Episcopal Cathedral (Bloedel Hall)
1245 10th Ave. E., Seattle
And ONLINE. Register at:
Dr. Abu Jamei will be joined by these local panelists discussing social division and racisms globally, in the Gaza Strip, and in Washington, as well as anti-racism, equality and respect as core values going forward for all peoples—“no exceptions!”:
- Imraan Siddiqi, Executive Director, Council of American-Islamic Relations (Washington Chapter)
- The Honorable Damon Shadid, Seattle Municipal Court Judge
- Dr. Jonathan Kanter, Director, Center for the Science of Social Connection (University of Washington)
- Dr. Brian Baird, psychologist and former U.S. Congressman
This free event is organized by the Massachusetts-based Gaza Mental Health Foundation, the primary sponsor of Dr. Abu-Jamei’s national tour, with support from the following regional cosponsors:
WA Physicians for Social Responsibility
Council on American-Islamic Affairs – WA
Bishop’s Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land – Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
Jewish Voice for Peace – Health Advisory Council
Jewish Voice for Peace – Seattle
Jewish Voice for Peace –Tacoma
Kairos Puget Sound Coalition
Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice
St. Mark’s Cathedral Mideast Focus Ministry
Students United for Palestine Equality and Return – UW
USA Palestine Mental Health Network
US Boats to Gaza
Dr. Abu-Jamei has steered the GCMHP through devastating times. For 15 years, an Israel-imposed blockade has cut its two million people off from the wider world and all but destroyed the local economy. During that time the Gaza Strip has endured five major Israeli military attacks that have had a severe impact on the physical and psychological health of children and their caregivers. Save the Children International reports, “four out of five children in Gaza say they are living with depression, grief and fear.”
On July 21, 2014, Dr. Abu-Jamei lost 28 members of his extended family – including 19 children – in a single missile strike, and other GCMHP staff members have also suffered terrible losses.
As the leading Palestinian non-governmental organization providing mental health services to the Gaza Strip, the GCMHP works at the nexus of mental health and human rights, to alleviate trauma and instill hope.
In Dr. Abu Jamei’s words, “It is a joy to us when we see children recovering and able to go back to school. We are doing our best to ensure the children can be our future. We are calling for help from the international community to say these children need a future.”