Be A Part Of The 2019-2021 Freedom Flotilla For Gaza !

The Freedom Flotilla For Gaza is planning events in the U.S. and Canada this summer.  Our objectives are to raise awareness in our communities about the situation in Gaza and provide hope to people in Gaza.  At the same time we are designing these events to be great for the whole family.

2021 events were in:

2019 events were in:

  • Spokane, WA: August 17: 3-5pm.
    See pictures of the Spokane event!
    Veterans for Peace convention. Meet at the lobby of the Doubletree Inn.  Walk with us from the hotel in A HUMAN BOAT (inside fabric designed to look like a boat) to the River walk where we will have a vigil for the victims of Israeli attacks on Gaza and the effects of the 10 year naval and land blockade of Gaza by the Government of Israel plus curtailing water and electricity to make Gaza uninhabitable by 2020 according to the United Nations. Since 2008, the Freedom Flotilla movement has sent 35 ships attempting to break Israel’s illegal, US-backed brutal military blockade of Gaza that has denied 2 million people –half of them children — access to food, clean water, fuel, medicine, employment and basic human dignity for 13 years. Join this flotilla action that educates our U.S. citizens about the crushing economic blockade as well as airstrikes, arrests, torture, and myriad human rights violations the Israeli government perpetrates on the people of Gaza.
  • Detroit
  • Honolulu
  • Hudson River
  • Miami
  • Syracuse
  • Washington D.C.

If you would like to help with one of the events above or want to have an event in your town contact us so that can work together to make it a success!

2 thoughts on “Be A Part Of The 2019-2021 Freedom Flotilla For Gaza !”

  1. Pingback: Freedom Flotilla To Break Israeli Siege Again Next Year | PopularResistance.Org

  2. It should be emphasized that the brutal military siege of Gaza by ANY NATION is a violation of the human rights of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.. The brutal military siege of Gaza by a certain nation is an atrocity. People around the world must cease to support the offending nation by whatever means they can employ. The offending nation acts as a war criminal.

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